Buses of New York - Bus lines, schedules and fares
Buses of New York

Buses of New York

In New York, buses are an easy to use and comfortable means of transport if you don't want to use the subway. Discover the rates and schedules of this means of transportation.

Despite there being hundreds of bus routes in The City, traveling by this mode of transport is as easy as getting around New York by foot. The bus network crosses the grid plan perfectly and in most cases all you'll have to do is hop on any bus to take you further down the street or avenue.

In order not to get confused and know how to move around New York by bus, it is never a bad idea to take a look at the area maps and the line maps that you will find at each stop.


All buses in New York have a letter and a number. The letter indicates the borough where the bus travels: Manhattan (M), Brooklyn (B), Queens (Q), Bronx (BX) and Staten Island (S).

If you would like to find out more about the public bus network before getting to NYC, you can check out MTA's official website:

Similar to the subway, there are also normal and limited buses. The limited ones do not stop at every stop and are faster than the normal ones. Before getting on a limited bus, make sure you ask the bus driver if the bus stops at your stop. 

Bus Fares

The price of a single bus ticket is US$ 3. If you plan to use public transportation on a regular basis, it is highly recommended that you take a look at the MetroCard, as with this the price of each journey works out at US$ 2.75.

If you are thinking of paying by cash, it is important to note that you can only pay with coins.

If you use a MetroCard, you have access to unlimited transfers between the several buses and the subway for 120 minutes, and after this time you'll have to pay again. If you pay by cash, you have to ask the bus driver for a ticket and with that you will only be able to transfer once.

Schedules of the buses

Buses, like the subway, operate on a 24-hour basis.

Between 10 pm and 5 am you can ask the bus driver to stop where you want to get off, without it having to be a bus stop.

Great Option for Short Distances and the Elderly

Buses are the right choice on many occasions to move around New York, especially when you want to make a short trip in a certain street or avenue. For longer trips, the most sensible option is to use the subway.

This means of transport is also preferred by the elderly and the disabled, as the subway is not as accessible.