Prices in New York City - How much do things cost in New York?
Prices in New York City

Prices in New York City

Hotel prices aside, New York is not as expensive as you might think. Find out general prices and calculate what budget you need before your visit to this iconic city.  

Prices in the Big Apple, apart from hotels, are not as expensive as you may think.

Some examples of different costs

Here are some examples of New York prices so that you can plan your budget accordingly: 

Food and drink

  • Hot dog in a street stall: US$ 2
  • Pizza slice: US$ 3
  • Dinner for two people in a standard restaurant without wine: minimum US$ 30


  • Single Ride ticket for the Subway: US$ 3
  • 7-Day Unlimited Pass for the Subway: US$ 31
  • Taxi from the JFK Airport: US$ 52 + tolls and other expenses, a total of approximately US$ 75


  • Double room in a hotel in the center of New York City: Approximately US$ 150 per night.

Tourist attractions


As in all other U.S. cities, tips make up most of the workers’ salaries in New York City, thus it is important to tip. If the restaurant does not include the tip in the bill (most establishments do now), the normal tip is between 10% and 20% of the total value of the bill.